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How to Create Group in SharePoint? The Complete Guide

Published By Mohit Kumar Jha
Anuraag Singh
Approved By Anuraag Singh
Published On June 12th, 2024

Sharepoint Groups are a set of users that can be managed altogether. In SharePoint groups, consistent permissions are applied throughout applications such as Teams, Planner, SharePoint, Outlook, and more. this helps to streamline the management and simplifies the collaboration of users with each other. By creating a group, users can very easily manage the members in that group and grant them permissions and levels of access for specific site resources. 

Overview: SharePoint is the part of Office 365 subscription plan. It is a platform used for collaboration. Through this article, you will find how to create group in SharePoint efficiently. The complete step-by-step solution is discussed to create and manage SharePoint groups.

SharePoint plays a vital role in the team’s collaboration between the members of the Organizations. It is a platform for creating websites for Organizations as per the requirements. Basically, if the organization wants to broadcast a circular then it is possible with SharePoint.

But there are multiple departments in the Organization, what if the admin wants to inform a particular department only? Then the SharePoint groups came into the picture. By creating a new group in SharePoint you can add the required users and assign the permissions according to the necessity.

Why Create and Manage SharePoint Groups?

Let’s start with the benefits that you can get because of the SharePoint Groups.

  • To Manage Permissions Efficiently – In the SharePoint Groups, you can add multiple users to share the same information between them. Here you do not need to assign the permissions individually. The permissions are set and modified for the whole group at once.
  • To improve Collaboration – With the help of SharePoint groups, collaboration becomes easier by adding all the related members. You can create a single group for a project, in which all of them can discuss the project-related tasks and queries easily.
  • To Organize users and content – Keeping all the members of a single project in one place helps to track the status of the project. You can create a group for a particular department or project. So, if you need any resources then you can directly post in that group only.
  • To simplify Security Management – If you setup group in SharePoint then you can restrict the users as per the requirement to maintain security. You can grant the users of the group to access a specific list but also deny to access other lists as well.

How to Create Group in SharePoint?

Basically, there are different Office 365 Admin roles and responsibilities to manage Office 365. The SharePoint administrator takes care of the SharePoint operations. Before creating a group make sure that you have a SharePoint site. Let’s start with the steps that you need to execute to create SharePoint groups.

Steps to Create SharePoint Groups

Step 1. Open the Office 365 Admin and open SharePoint as admin.

Step 2. Now in the Home Page, Click on the Settings icon and then choose the option of Site Settings from the drop-down.

Step 3. In the Site settings window, hit on the Site permissions under the Users and Permissions.

Step 4. A new window pops up, click on the Create Group icon.

Step 5. Set the name and description of the group, and mention the group owner with the permissions in the Group settings. If you want to make the group visible to all then choose Everyone otherwise Group members. Also, choose who can edit the membership of the group from the Group owner and group members. The group members are of three types

Step 6. Now assign permission to the members of the Group and Click on create

Step 7.  In the created group click on New to add the users.

Step 8. You just need to enter the name or email of the people that you want to add and hit on the Share button to share the invite.

Some Advanced Permissions in SharePoint

  • View – Only able to view the particular content and lists of the site.
  • Read – Read all the pages of the site.
  • Contribute – Able to add or modify the content of the site.
  • Edit – This permission permits the members to view, add, edit, and delete documents of the site.
  • Design – This is the design permissions in which members can add, edit, change, or delete the page layouts.
  • Full – have all the permissions.

An essential part of adding users to SharePoint is knowing how can admins add users to an existing

This is all about the steps that you need to take to create group in SharePoint in Office 365. SharePoint uses the Document Library to store the files and folders.

All of the files are maintained in the document library according to their structure. But have you ever thought, if your Organization decides to merge with another or rebrand itself? Then how to copy the document library from one site to another.

How to Add Users to an Existing SharePoint Group?

An essential part of adding users to SharePoint is knowing how can admins add users to an existing SharePoint group. This ensures that each member gets access to the documents and resources. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Open SharePoint.
  2. Go to the Site Settings option.
  3. Users and Permissions > People and Groups.
  4. Choose the group you want to add users to.
  5. Click New and choose the Add Users option.
  6. Enter the details and the click on Share.

Note: You cannot change the default message. make sure that you enter the right info.

Manage the Permissions in SharePoint Group

Permissions are important to control the access that users have. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Go to the Site Settings.
  2. Users and Permissions > People and Groups.
  3. Select the group you want to set up the permissions for.
  4. Tap on Edit User Permissions.
  5. Check the box next to permissions that you want to give or take away.
  6. Tap OK.

SharePoint Groups Best Practices

Here are the steps you need to follow to manage access control more efficiently:

  1. Creating fewer number of groups – Fewer groups are better as too many groups can be a challenge to manage.
  2. Organise the users – You can organise the users based on several factors such as the department they work in, based on location, or adding members.
  3. You can combine groups with Active Directory – This can help you avoid the double work that you’ll have to do in case someone leaves the organisation.
  4. Review the structures regularly – You can review the structures when different changes occur in the organisation.

You can also make sure that all the group members are aware of the rules of the group for better collaboration


To enhance the collaboration of the Organizations SharePoint plays a vital role. With the help of SharePoint groups, the sharing of a particular information to the specified users becomes easy. In this article, we have explained all the steps that are required to create a Group in SharePoint. An upcoming issue because of the merging of the Organization is also discussed along with the solution. Hence the query of how to create group in SharePoint is solved.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to create a SharePoint group?
  1. Select Site settings option.
  2. Users and Permissions > Site Permissions.
  3. Choose Create group and fill in the details.
  4. Select the permission level.
  5. Click on the create option.
  • How can I delete a SharePoint group? 
  1. Go to Site Settings option.
  2. Users and Permissions > Site Permissions.
  3. Choose the group you want to delete.
  4. Click the Delete button.
  5. Click the OK option.
  • What are the different permission levels that a SharePoint Group can have?

Here are the permission levels for SharePoint group:

  1. Full Control: This level of permission gives full control to the users over the site. This includes the ability to add and remove the users and groups.
  2. Contribute: With this level, users can add, delete, and also delete items and web pages.
  3. Design: Users that have permissions of this level can view, update, delete, add, customise different libraries.
  4. Read: Users with this permission can view documents.